
A Propos de nous


Identifier - Analyser - Corriger

Nous travaillons à identifier les besoins des enfants

KIDS ACADEMY , filiale D'AEROKONSULT GROUP est né de notre propre constat de parents de la difficulté à trouver un soutien professionnel face aux difficultés de nos enfants.

Nous avons donc décidé avec l'aide d'enseignants soit jeunes retraités soit encore en activité de proposer aux enfants du CP à la 1ère , un accompagnement efficient afin qu'ils retrouvent confiance en eux mais surtout le goût d'apprendre.

Notre philosophie , bienveillance , écoute et échange.

Ce qui rend la KIDS ACADEMY Speciale

Vision et Mission

  • math

    Notre philosophie

    Asseoir les bases pour une scolarité longue et aisée

  • Notre Mission

    Aider et accompagner la jeunesse en difficultés des régions d'Outre-Mer

  • philosophie

    Notre Engagement

    Les cours sont dispensés par des professeurs des écoles , de collège et de lycée et qui suivent le programme et qui évidement ont la pédagogie nécessaire

  • calendar


    Nos centres sont ouverts et disponibles toute l'année y compris durant les vacances scolaires

Prepare your child for school readiness

Feel The Difference

What gives our schools the quality you feel the moment you enter are the “pillars” of belief that support them. There are six core beliefs on which everything centers at our schools.

  1. Experiential Learning

    We help children connect with their surroundings in new ways, so they discover what is meaningful to them in the moment and in the future.

  2. Community

    A child’s educational success in large part depends on families, educators, peers and relevant members of the community.

  3. Collaboration

    Sharing new experiences and solving problems with others leads to a greater sense of connectedness – as well as meaningful learning experiences.

  4. Proven Models

    Several important learning models have been developed by educators around the world. The human connection must be a key component of learning.








Baie Mahault
Saint Denis
Saint Pierre



Matières enseignées



Élèves par groupes

Get to know our staff

Dedicated Teachers & Staff

Our staff are dedicated to enhancing the lives of children with diverse special needs by providing evaluations and other services for children to achieve full and independent lives.

Professional and graduated

Our Staff are Guided by the Principles of

Above and beyond our already stringent code of ethics and guidelines for continuing education, our professional staff are guided by the principles and ethical codes of the following clinical and educational organizations:

  • American Speech & Hearing Association (ASHA)

  • Bell Academy for Listening and Spoken Language

  • American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)

  • Audiology Foundation of America

  • American Board of Audiology